Just thought I would share some cool websites I've discovered. 1. A way to thank our soldiers and sailors. I get all veklempt. http://www.gratitudecampaign.org/index.php 2. I am woman! Hear me roar! http://www.thewhitehouseproject.org/ 3. 9 things you shouldn't buy new http://www.crosswalk.com/finances/11580209/ 4. Give things away and feel better. Love this one http://www...
I was reading the latest time and they had an article about ways to be of service. One of the ideas was to rethink Christmas. There are many programs to ensure that kids have a good Christmas but many times seniors are forgotten. That is such a good description. It is so sad that these people lead a rich, full life and at some point, they are just forgotten. Many are alone and lonely. I think I am going to contact my church and see if we can come up with ...
My Christmas tree is pathetic. It was just a $25 prelit tree so you can imagine that even when it was new out of the box it wasn't the most wonderful creation. But now the lights in the middle aren't working. There is a huge gap in the middle and the bottom also bare and horrible. I am going to just say to heck with it and decorate it anyway. Hopefully the decorations will distract from the problems. I haven't been on the computer much because my computer keeps c...
I am so proud of my shopping success at Kohl's that I had to share it with the world. I bought some clothes for my boys for Christmas. I know clothes are no fun for kids but they needed them so that's how it was - ha ha. When I bought their clothes I got a coupon for $10 off my purchase after the holidays. So I went with the intention of getting some new shoes for work. The thing was that the ones I really wanted weren't available in my size. Bummer but at lea...
It's been a long December and it's easy to believe maybe this year will be better than the last . The end of the year seems like the perfect time to look back and assess how you want to move forward in your life. So here is my year end wrap up The good - I got a job! Outside of my house! No more home daycare for me. I made some fabulous friends at my new job and have a bit of a social life now. It's fun to get out. The bad - Major financial s...
Yes, I do new years resolutions. It is a great time to assess where you are and where you want to be. Sure you can make changes any time during the year but there's the thought that this year I will get it right. I will improve myself and be a better person than I was last year. My resolutions as always are numerous. 1. I will continue to build my face painting business by getting a website online by February 15. I will paint at four festivals this year. I will go to the DFW face painters gui...
Hi JU Friends, I have missed you all. I miss my internet connection. I am at the library and my time here just zips by. I have to go pick up my littlest one from soccer practice in a minute but I just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone. I am going to be moving soon and will try to get internet service after that. I look forward to catching up with everyone then.
For those who remember me a quick update. Working at my new job is getting much better. I have been there almost three months and I'm starting to feel like I halfway know what I'm doing. The third shift is horrible though. I really hate it. I will suck it up and deal with it for as long as I have to. Probably for about a year but I just feel bad all the time. I'm always tired. I don't eat right. If i eat at night while I'm working I get heart...