I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on September 26, 2008 By Boudica In Blog Communities

Thank you so much to the wonderful JUers who helped me.  I appreciate the gift which will be put to good use getting my truck repaired so it will pass inspection.  Even more than that I appreciate that you truly care about me.  I think this is why it makes me so sad when people diss JU or leave for greener pastures.  JU is more than a blog site.  It is truly a community.  I really do care about the people here and when someone leaves it feels like the tribe is down by one.  So to those who sent money, thank you.  To those who offer encouragement, thank you.  To those who help me forget my problems by reading your articles, thank you.  To those at Stardock who make the site possible and keep it going, thank you.  Good karma to everyone in the JU family!  xoxo

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 26, 2008

I am glad somethings are turning for the better for you. We all going thru tough times, some more than others. It's when we come together to help each other out that it shows just how great of people we can really be if we just try. Good luck and keep fighting. We here for you.

on Sep 26, 2008


on Sep 26, 2008

Just remember you really are a STRONG WARRIOR WOMAN!

on Sep 26, 2008

Just remember you really are a STRONG WARRIOR WOMAN!



Your pick.

on Sep 26, 2008

Sorry I was not one of the ones able to help Amy, things are just very screwed up here right now.

on Sep 26, 2008

YEAH!  You rock.  We love ya.  And we are CHEERING FOR YOU. 

on Sep 27, 2008

I am glad somethings are turning for the better for you. We all going thru tough times, some more than others. It's when we come together to help each other out that it shows just how great of people we can really be if we just try. Good luck and keep fighting. We here for you.

I don't know if things are better but it helps knowing that people give a crap.  Sometimes I feel so completely alone.  I'm trying to keep on but I'm having a challenging day today.

Thanks FS, and LW and Kelly and Tova!   Modman you have helped me with your support and encouragement many times when I was feeling like giving up.    

on Sep 27, 2008

Sometimes I feel so completely alone.

You're never completely alone. I know it feels that way sometimes but you're not. Try to hang on to that.

on Sep 28, 2008

This sort of thing is the ONLY reason I remain in JU lately. Through all the changes we've still managed to maintain some sense of community, and when one of us is in real trouble many others are willing to come through and be of assistance.
  I'm glad you're still here.  I do miss the regulars when they leave. 

You're never completely alone. I know it feels that way sometimes but you're not. Try to hang on to that.
  I guess I should be glad that I have my boys but at this moment it feels like another job that I'm failing at.  I try to be a good mom but I don't think I'm good enough. 


on Sep 28, 2008

I try to be a good mom but I don't think I'm good enough.

You know what?  One day, when they're men, and they look back with understanding, they'll see how hard it is for you and how you are doing the best you can.

Don't be so hard on yourself.  What you're doing is IMPOSSIBLE to do perfect, or even well...I'd set the bar at getting through it alive, and let some of the other things slide.

on Sep 28, 2008

Don't be so hard on yourself. What you're doing is IMPOSSIBLE to do perfect, or even well...I'd set the bar at getting through it alive, and let some of the other things slide.
  Right now I'm ready to scream because I can't download music onto my son's new mp3 player - his birthday present. 

You know what? One day, when they're men, and they look back with understanding, they'll see how hard it is for you and how you are doing the best you can.
  I hope so. 

on Sep 29, 2008

I'll bet your son won't have any problem figuring that out, lol.
  Nope, he's already tried.  We're having computer issues - I believe.  It can't be operator error - it has to be the computers fault. 

on Sep 29, 2008

Is it an iPod, or what type of MP3 player is it?  What service are you using to download the music?  Does the MP3 player allow formass storage transfer, or is it software dependant?  I have an iPod and 2 generic MP3 players in my household.  The iPod is a breeze- the other two?  Not so much.  But, I still won over them, s I may be able to help.

on Sep 29, 2008

Stay strong girl. We all going the rough times. I have had to pawn my 2 laptops twice already and believe it will happen again. Right now my car is running on fumes and my kitchen is don to bread crumbs and watered down drinks. I keep trying to figure out where I a making the mistakes but can't seem to figure it out completely. Other than locking myself in the house except for work and the kids to school, eating the most basic of meals and giving up the few wants we still have (such as internet and house phone), I don't know what else to do to stay afloat. Every month that goes by I am able to just barely get by, but I also come closer to failing every time so it's only a matter of time before I won't be able to get by anymore unless I find a decent solution.

All I have to keep me going is those 2 kids who spend their entire days fighting with each other, eating of playing on their PC or Nintendo Wii, completely unaware that if mommy and daddy don't find a solution soon, we could easily be without power, food or even lose the car. I have to keep trying, for their sake. I have faith something will show up soon, I have faith things will eventually work themselves out. I just hope it happens soon because I would like to keep my sanity before it does.

We have to be strong, we gotta keep going. Believe me when I say I understand how you can feel alone. I feel the same way, not having anyone to lend a hand, to talk to or even to know you are not the only one. But I know it's not true and I have funiture that I acquired recently thru fellow church members and co-workers to prove it. I just hate letting people know how bad I am doing in order to provide for my family. But I have no control over that.

Right now, I will be praying to God that my less than a 1/4 tank of gas can run me till tomorrow, otherwise I will be screwed.

on Sep 29, 2008

Maybe we can form some type of sharing network where people on here can post things they have that they don't want and are willing to give to someone who wants it. Kinda like a garage sale thru the blog. What do you guys/gals think?

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