Obama is now on the attack. McCain made a comment about how America's mayors are more plugged into their citizens day to day challenges. Here's the actual quote "[L]isten, mayors have the toughest job, I think, in America. It's easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have." This makes perfect sense to me. I am sure that serving in the Senate in Washington they do not have their constituents walking up to them saying "hey what is the deal with my increased electricity bill" or "when are they going to finish the road work in front of the court house?" etc. Does this mean that McCain doesn't care about people's day to day challenges - NO!
And who is talking? Mr. Can you believe the price of arugala? Obama doesn't care about how much we are paying for gasoline. He thinks the problem with the increase in gas prices is just that it wasn't gradual enough. It seems that this is one day-to-day challenge many people face that Obama doesn't care about.
Attempting to shift the focus away from Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and to McCain, Obama quoted his opponent saying Thursday night that "it's easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have."
"So from where he and George Bush sit, maybe they just can't see," the Democrat told supporters and some self-identified undecided voters earlier in the day in Dover. "Maybe they are just that out of touch. But you know the truth, and so do I. . . . We just can't afford four more years of what John McCain and George Bush consider progress."
Now Obama is a man of the people? Those would be the same people about whom he said 'they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.' You see Obama understands our day to day challenges and why we must be bitter and cling to our guns etc. He can explain our psyche. I think that's more than a little bit condescending.
So whose quote is more offensive - John McCain's sticking up for small-town mayors or Obama's condescending to average Americans?
Oh and for the love of God, John McCain is not George W. Bush. I guess Obama thinks if he says it enough that people will believe it but it's not true.
Also, I really don't care if McCain knows how to use the internet. There are lots of people who know how to use the internet who have no business being President. I don't care if McCain has keyboarding skills. I don't think data entry is one of the job duties of the POTUS. I guess things are pretty bleak in Obamaland if this is the best they can come up with. Don't worry about those petty little issues. The election is about important things like who can upload a video onto youtube the quickest and the latest on lolcats.