I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on August 31, 2008 By Boudica In Blogging

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Now, I'm really concerned.  The gas prices have been a challenge for me with my limited income but I was completely unaware that things had gotten so bad that Diddy now has to fly commercial instead of taking his private jet.  My heart if just breaking with care and concern.  Really, whatever can I do to help get Diddy back on his private plane?  Tell me, oh wise one, should I vote for Obama or McCain?  Which one will help get gas prices down low enough that you don't have to fly commercial anymore? 

And hey whatever happened to vote or die?  Isn't this election just as imperative as the last election?  Obviously, it is more important since you are now having to make such a huge personal sacrifice, Diddy. 

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