I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
it rhymes with hunt
Published on August 29, 2008 By Boudica In Blogging

I find it to be the most offensive word in the English language.  Just saying that word is an insult to me and an insult to your mother.  Really, if you have to think it, do you really have to say it out loud?  Or type it? 

I just was looking on Digg at the comments about the Pallin VP pick and there it is.  The C word.  How I hate that word.  I hate anyone who uses that word - ever.  I know that diggers are quite known for being offensive but just - yuck! 

Here's a thought, misogynistic jerk, try using that little brain of yours to come up with a more original description of a woman who you don't agree with.  You can dislike her.  You can dislike her policies.  But calling her a c***, classy. 

on Aug 29, 2008

try using that little brain of yours

When it comes right down to it, that was the only brain he was using.

on Aug 29, 2008

I agree with Sabrina.  To use it gratuitously - not my style, but sometimes, it IS the best word for the job.

on Aug 29, 2008

I agree with Sabrina. To use it gratuitously - not my style, but sometimes, it IS the best word for the job.
  I don't ever think it's the right word but that's just me.  I really think it's a very ugly word and I think it insults ALL women. 

Then I guess you gotta hate me, because I've used it on occasion when no other word would do.
  Okay, I dislike that word and I don't approve of its usage.  Better? 



on Aug 29, 2008

And here I thought she was talking about "CUTE".  Boy, is my face red.

on Aug 30, 2008

I despise misogyny, but the actual word doesn't bother me much.  Depends on the context.

I have to say, though, in a sexy lit or conversation context, I find it to be one of the least appealing words to describe female genitalia.

on Aug 30, 2008

Yeah, it's bad for a woman to be called a cunt but it's worse for a man to be called a pussy.

on Aug 30, 2008

Even though I would check myself, if it slips out it would be old-fashion Bitch. Enough with the private parts, and I hope I'm not called a prick by you know who.

on Sep 01, 2008

Aussies are generally more relaxed about foul language so it really doesn't bother me.  I agree that in context, it is useful.  Remember, like anything, a word only has the power you are willing to give it.