I really can't understand why people can't just accept that God could have made life that evolved. Why do they have to be mutually exclusive ideas?
I believe in God. I believe God made humans. I believe that the biblical creation story, is just that, a story. Just like every culture has a creation story, this is the creation story of the Jews. I believe that many Bible stories are just stories not factual events. I do not believe that the Bible is a scientific text book. That doesn't mean I can't learn from bible stories. It doesn't mean that the Bible is not a holy book.
I don't understand why some religous people can't accept that maybe God was smart enough to make earth and life and know that we would come to be someday. What is time to God? Our lifetimes aren't long enough to see the evolutionary changes but we can see evidence in DNA and fossils. It's all just a blip to God.
God didn't make chickens with wings so we would have something tasty to eat with a spicy sauce. I'm sure at some point in history chickens could fly. I don't think God would make creatures with unneccesary appendages. Look at how different the animals on Tasmania and Australia are, doesn't that illustrate natural selection?
Religion is not science and it shouldn't be. They are separate realms. One is of faith and the other is of fact. Galileo is the perfect example of why the religion should stay out of scientific endeavors. I think that history will look at Creationism the same way we now look at the thought of Earth being the center of the universe.