I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on August 19, 2008 By Boudica In Personal Relationships

"Dolores had no hobbies, made no contribution to society and rarely shared a kind word or deed in her life. I speak for the majority of her family when I say her presence will not be missed by many, very few tears will be shed and there will be no lamenting over her passing."

How horrible would it be to have this be how you are remembered?   

on Aug 19, 2008

How horrible would it be to have this be how you are remembered?

Well that depends. Are you looking to be remembered? Is it really important for every person in the world to be remembered by more than a handful of people? Obviously someone remembered Dolores if they actually wrote the above in your article.

Personally, I would not like to be forgotten. I would feel sad (if one can feel it after death) to know most people wouldn't remember me. But then I have my children and so long as they live and have children of their own, there is always a chance that someone will remember me, especially since we keep track of just about everyone one does now a days as oppose to the past where not everyone is lucky enough to find their ancestors. I don't know how lucky I could be to know where my roots are from exactly considering not much was recorded during the days of Christopher Colombus in Puerto Rico.

on Aug 19, 2008

Well that depends. Are you looking to be remembered? Is it really important for every person in the world to be remembered by more than a handful of people? Obviously someone remembered Dolores if they actually wrote the above in your article.

The point I was trying to make is more HOW we will be remembered.  I would rather people were saying "we'll miss her" than "good riddance". 

on Aug 19, 2008
I won't be missed by a lot of people, but I'll bet my husband would miss me when he got stuck with 4 kids and no wife. LOL, if I die, he'd better re-marry fast.

I don't think I have made any sort of meaningful contributions worth remembering beyond being a part of my own family. I don't think people would be happy I died, but it wouldn't be the saddest thing either, haha.

Dunno. When I was younger I was on fire to do something really great and memorable that would change the world. My priorities have changed a lot since my teens and I am completely happy being average. Which I think bothers people sometimes.
on Aug 19, 2008
The point I was trying to make is more HOW we will be remembered. I would rather people were saying "we'll miss her" than "good riddance".

Gotcha. The irony is that there will always be someone who will say "good riddance" even if most will say we miss him/her". Like TW, I don't believe people will be happy to see me go, and maybe I may get a lot of sadness. But I guess it would be nice to be remembered as more than just a family member. I'm not saying I want a statue in the park, a school named after me or to be on the top 10 list of something. I just want to be remembered as someone who did good for others, that's good enough for me.
on Aug 19, 2008
Not for personal glorification BTW, its so that others can see and remember that there are good people out there and not to lose hope.
on Aug 19, 2008
It looks like someone did not like the deceased. I guess they got it off their chest, but I doubt Dolores cares.
on Aug 19, 2008
but I doubt Dolores cares.

I don't know, after all Dolores is Spanish for pains. LOL.
on Aug 19, 2008
I don't know, after all Dolores is Spanish for pains. LOL.

I will have to remember that. I am just in spanish 101.
on Aug 19, 2008

I would like to be remembered as an incredible talent who changed the world with his compassion, understanding, intellect and wit.  I've got a ways to go but I'm still hopeful.