I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on August 8, 2008 By Boudica In Democrat

Well now he's admitted it.  Edwards did have an affair with that woman.  He says he's not the baby daddy.  He also says it was when his wife's cancer was in remission.  What a prince. 

What was he thinking?  What if he had recieved the nomination?  Did he really think this wouldn't come out?  Did he learn nothing from Gary Hart?  And where was the MSM?  I do think this is a valid issue of the character of a Presidential candidate.  Why is it that the Enquirer is the one breaking this story? 

I hope he is smart enough to just go away now.  I also hope that Elizabeth Edwards does not have to stand beside him while he makes his apology speech. 

on Aug 08, 2008

 I wonder if this act is defined as sex by Democrats. Bills Lewinskies were classified as 'non sexual.' so I wonder how this will play out.

on Aug 08, 2008
What was he thinking?

"Man, I'm horny" is my guess.

Sometimes I wonder what it is about impropriety that *really* offends people. I know why they *claim* it offends them, but I'm more likely to believe that fear is involved.
on Aug 08, 2008

I wonder if this act is defined as sex by Democrats. Bills Lewinskies were classified as 'non sexual.' so I wonder how this will play out.
  I think sex is defined as sex.

"Man, I'm horny" is my guess.
lol.  I think the biggest issue is the fact that he lied repeatedly about it while he was running for President.  It's also the thought of "my wife's in remission from cancer so NOW it's okay for me to have an affair".  ick. 




on Aug 08, 2008

Immorality, clearly knows no political party, has no political agenda, and has everything to do with a failure to say no.

Be well.

on Aug 08, 2008

Just another politician letting the little head do the thinking for the big one.  Of course, Edwards big head is so far up his butt the little one is the only one available for comment.

on Aug 09, 2008

If this was a republican there would be this so-called "outrage" in the media and public.  Edwards gets sympathy.

on Aug 09, 2008
Didn't he also say he didn't love her? --- so that makes it okay, as long as it was purely physical and no emotions were involved. Disgusting.

Island Dog -- who's giving him sympathy?

on Aug 09, 2008

Your right Shadesofgrey, go on over and watch the heads exploding, warning extreme language.



on Aug 11, 2008

One thing that I find interesting (and rather revolting) is the way that the NT Times (in particular) has sat on this since October. 

Nah, there's no bias there, is there?

on Aug 11, 2008
I also hope that Elizabeth Edwards does not have to stand beside him while he makes his apology speech.

I hope so as well. But I doubt it.

on Aug 12, 2008
I'm ouraged because both husband and wife went ahead with the campaign anyway!
on Aug 12, 2008
I'm ouraged because both husband and wife went ahead with the campaign anyway!

Yep, that was a really bad call. It always amazes me that they think they are going to get away with it. It always outs at some point. And really what if he were the nominee?

One thing that I find interesting (and rather revolting) is the way that the NT Times (in particular) has sat on this since October.

Yep, is there not a responisbility to report the facts regardless of political leanings?