I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on July 30, 2008 By Boudica In Dating

Well I decided that the only way for me to move on from my current, kick it already it's dead, relationship was to start a new one.  Maybe not the best philosophy on the planet but I'm tired of being alone.  I'm tired of being sad.  Honestly, if I'm not with someone else I will just keep finding myself back with him.  A warrior woman really should have more self-respect than that. 

So I decide to put myself out there...on the internet.  I heard from a man today and his spelling is horrendous.  I mean really, truly horrible.  I feel bad but I don't even want to write him back.  I suppose beggers can't be choosers but yikes. 

Maybe God is telling me to put the brakes on my project find a new man.  I don't know. 

on Jul 30, 2008
Sometimes a really smart person comes across as being really, really stupid in writing, so maybe it's something to overlook. Then again, if you're going to be communicating via text for a while, it could get monumentally annoying.

You might be surprised at how much a *mistake* could do for your confidence when it's in such a low place.

on Jul 30, 2008

You might be surprised at how much a *mistake* could do for your confidence when it's in such a low place.

You're right.  He might be Mr. rightnow instead of Mr. Right. 

on Jul 30, 2008

When you say bad spelling... how bad is it?

If your main method of communication will be writing then I'd think carefully. Tex makes an excellent point.  

Sometimes I read posts by other people in different places in which not only is the spelling bad, there is little coherent communication.  If this guy can still get a message across and it is interesting then go for it.  If the spelling is blocking any message getting across, I'd reconsider,

on Jul 30, 2008
I wrote him back. We'll see where it goes. Maybe nowhere. Maybe I should start saving for my hope chest - NOT   ROFL
on Jul 31, 2008
If you see yourself as a beggar, then you will be one. Now is the time to be choosy, not after you have invested time and find out he is a clod.
on Jul 31, 2008
If you see yourself as a beggar, then you will be one. Now is the time to be choosy, not after you have invested time and find out he is a clod.

I suppose that's true but at this point I just need some attention. When I read it the second time it didn't seem as horrible as the first.
on Jul 31, 2008

Maybe I should start saving for my hope chest



Better idea : Practice being alone and involved in things that interest you without someone of the opposite sex being involved for about a year or so.

Once you are good at being happy and comfy with yourself, you will likely find a whole new class of men available to you.

In all likelihood they will be able to spell.

Many women work most of their lives at attracting men... so much so that it becomes their hobby. Once they have a man they are deprived of their hobby. This causes problems.


on Jul 31, 2008

Better idea : Practice being alone and involved in things that interest you without someone of the opposite sex being involved for about a year or so.

I've had plenty of practice being alone and involved in things that interest me during my lonely marriage. I am ready for some companionship.

on Jul 31, 2008

I've had plenty of practice being alone and involved in things that interest me during my lonely marriage. I am ready for some companionship


The difference here is doing it by choice and not by default. Makes all the difference in the world.

on Jul 31, 2008

The difference here is doing it by choice and not by default. Makes all the difference in the world.

I'm tired of being alone. 

on Jul 31, 2008

I'm tired of being alone.


Well, I can't argue with that, but that is really the problem isn't it?

Once you reach the point where "not being alone" is at the top of your hierarchy of needs it tends to degrade every other concern.

on Jul 31, 2008
I heard from a man today and his spelling is horrendous. I mean really, truly horrible.

Dam, forgot to use spellcheck again. Oops, did I just post this in a public forum?
on Jul 31, 2008
I can be very picky when it comes to women, well since I am already taken, I guess you can say I use to be. If I ever found myself searching again, I would make sure to stick to the same standards I had previously. It may make my search harder, but if lucky the results could be fantastic.

Take it from me, replacing pickyness with "don't want to be lonely anymore" will lower your standard and will increase the chances or finding exactly what you don't want or need. It's probably sorta my problem with my wife.