I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.

Okay, here's a relevent and timely topic.  Tell me five things you would do if you were President.  They can be serious or silly or both.  Discuss. 

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on Oct 17, 2008


I would tell Saudi Arabia that I will only send Jewish women as ambassadors or representatives of any kind. I would leave it up to them to object and tell them that it is MY CHOICE, not theirs.

If they still object, I would give in and ask them, in exchange, not to send any Muslims or men to the US as ambassadors or representatives of any kind.


I would tell the president of Iran that one of my advisors told me that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in the American civil service. I would ask him if he agreed with my advisor about religious minorities not being trustworthy. I would tell him that I will entirely follow his lead on this, without preconditions.


I would withdraw all troops from Germany and station them in Poland. I would feel that I should listen to foreign public opinion and most Germans are now against American troops being stationed in Germany.


I would start a nation-wide survey to find out if the percentage of positions created in universities to promote equality between genders and races that are filled by white men is somewhat equal to the percentage of white men among the general population. If I find that white men are underpresented in those positions I would ask the universities to explain to me what the people working in those positions have done to promote the hiring of white men until the same percentage has been reached.


I would propose a peace plan for the Arab-Israeli conflict in which I state that both Jews and Arabs are of equal value and that both Arab and Jewish refugees as groups should be compensated equally by the opposite side. I would propose that the Arab League dictate what amount of money should be paid. The Arab countries must then pay that amount to Israel as the legal representative of the Jewish refugees and Israel must pay that amount to the PLO as the legal representative of the Arab refugees.

If anybody objects or disagrees with the plan, I will ask them to propose an alternative plan, which must merely meet three conditions:

(I) Arabs and Jews must not be treated unequally.

(II) Nobody must be forced to move to a place where he is likely to be killed or doesn't want to go.

(III) Nobody is allowed to move to a place where he is likely to kill.

I will continue to promote that plan at every occasion the subject is discussed and whenever the subject comes up. I will also regularly condemn Syrian occupation of Kurdish lands, should the subject of opressive occupations of other peoples come up.


on Oct 17, 2008

Presidents dont have a lot of power, so this is not a "if I were king".  Hard to say since virtually anything would have to pass congress.


1. I would run my mouth

2. I would probably be shot.

3. I would alienate all Politicall correct people

4. Would bar all the present press corps from the white house

5. Have the Justice department investigate all of congress - it is not the evidence that counts, but the appearance of impropriety.

on Oct 17, 2008

I would withdraw all troops from Germany and station them in Poland.

Cause the last time troops went from Germany to Poland it ended real well

Sorry, couldn't resist!

on Oct 17, 2008

Cause the last time troops went from Germany to Poland it ended real well

The last troop movements concerning Germany and Poland were Russian troops withdrawing from Germany to Russia and Polish and East-German troops invading Czechoslovakia.


on Oct 17, 2008

1) Start every announcemnet, State of the Union, Address, convention, speech, etc with the following words:

"First off let me say, I am not Bush. Now that we have that out of the way".

2) I would make sure every computer in the White House uses Stardock products.

3) I would force Microsoft to release the same Windows version Bill Gates uses.

4) I would tell Iran that we are actually concerned with their peoples lives and its why we on bugging them about the nukes and we will show them what could happen if they accidentally nuked themselves.

5) I would raise the taxes on everyone who voted for Obama.

on Oct 17, 2008

1.  Fix the economy.  I don't know how but it seems like that should be the President's number one priority right now. 

2.  Repeal don't ask, don't tell.  Allow gays to serve openly. 

3.  Stop the ICE workplace raids and actually fine or criminally charge the employers who hire undocumented workers.  The lopsided enforcement has gone on long enough.  Streamline the immigration process.  It should not take so long or cost so much money.

4. Put the breaks on spending.  Cut programs.   Start tackling our debt. 

5.  Plan for withdrawal of majority of troops from Iraq. 


on Oct 18, 2008

1.  Fix No Child Left Behind.  Quit using high stakes fill in the blank testing to assess student progress.  Educate teachers on best teaching practices instead of taking away money from schools that "don't make the cut."  Give power back to the states in regards to education.

2.  Cut non-essential programs.

3.  Instead of throwing money and food stamps at people mindlessly, I would REQUIRE that they choose some sort of vocational or professional program they are interested in, and I would require that they go through a financial responsibility course.  It's stupid to throw money at people and just let them have it.

4.  I would create a nation/world service program that was mandatory for kids right out of high school.  They could choose what area they wanted to work in, like the military, or working with the elderly, or in schools.  I think a program like this would help kids figure out what they want to do with their lives, and create much less student debt (because kids would know what they wanted to do in college before they went).  This work could also be church related.  THe point would be to focus on others and give back a little bit.

5.  Free ice cream on Fridays.

on Oct 18, 2008

Cut non-essential programs.

I want to meet the first politician who is against that.


on Oct 18, 2008

2.  Repeal don't ask, don't tell.  Allow gays to serve openly. 



5.  Plan for withdrawal of majority of troops from Iraq. 

I would do that without telling anyone. That way the terrorists cannot plan their "victory" and don't know how long they have to survive/act quiet.


on Oct 18, 2008

Instead of throwing money and food stamps at people mindlessly, I would REQUIRE that they choose some sort of vocational or professional program they are interested in, and I would require that they go through a financial responsibility course. It's stupid to throw money at people and just let them have it.

Do you realize that many food stamp recipients ARE working.  They are the working poor and struggle to feed their families.  Would you require a financial responsilbiity course for the corporate recipients of the billions in bailout money? 

on Oct 18, 2008

2) I would make sure every computer in the White House uses Stardock products.

kiss up

on Oct 18, 2008

5. Have the Justice department investigate all of congress - it is not the evidence that counts, but the appearance of impropriety.
  but that would be a huge waste of money. 

on Oct 18, 2008

I would propose a peace plan for the Arab-Israeli conflict in which I state that both Jews and Arabs are of equal value and that both Arab and Jewish refugees as groups should be compensated equally by the opposite side.

This sounds like a good plan to me, leauki. 

on Oct 18, 2008

This sounds like a good plan to me, leauki. 

Yes, it is a good plan.

But the Arabs would never accept it. Israel would.


on Oct 18, 2008

Five things I would propose:

1) All Americans have to pay a small federal tax whose amount is based on some trivial percentage of the total federal budget so that Americans who vote for politicians who promise new goodies will feel the pinch with higher taxes.  Failure to pay taxes means no voting in federal elections.

2) I would change corporate income tax rates to match individual taxes.

3) I would begin a phased withdrawal of most US troops from around the world, particularly Korea, Germany, and Iraq.

4) I would freeze spending across the board until we are running a surplus that would pay off the debt within 20 years.

5) I would cut spending for federal education and defense and permanently cap non-medicare non-social security entitlement programs.

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