I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on August 1, 2008 By Boudica In US Domestic

"We know what kind of campaign they're going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?" Obama

Yes, it's great to be in an election when if you are ever questioned or criticized, you just call that person racist.  That usually shuts them up.  What you're not an Obama supporter?  Well you must be racist.  I think the truest part of the above quote and my biggest concern would be the inexperienced part.  Does that make me an inexperiencedist.  Nope, still racist?  Okay, if you say so. 

"he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills." Obama

Nope, he doesn't but then neither does John McCain.  I mean all those guys on the dollar bills dressed funny and wore their hair in odd styles.  Jeesh - this is the stupidest argument I have ever heard.  Yes, I'm afraid of any candidate who doesn't have a green tinge and dress in costume.  Excellent point.  What?  What's that?  I'm racist.  Oops, I forgot.  Here I thought this argument was just stupid.  I forgot that I can be a "hidden racist" without even knowing it.  I really think Obama should have a makeover, grow a beard and start wearing a stovepipe hat so he can look more like the President on the five dollar bill.  He should insist that he always be photographed in profile.  Or maybe he should go for the powdered wig and breeches look that worked for George Washington.  Dumbest comment ever ~ really.   

That's not racial transcendence! 


Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 05, 2008

By the way what are they?
  That is the problem, he really is the change candidate.  I do think some of the changes he's made are for the better though I question the timing.  Yes, Michigan and Florida should has all their votes counted.  Too bad he opposed that earlier when it might have made the difference to Hillary winning the nomination.  Now that he thinks it might cost him votes from Florida and Michigan in the general election he's all about change.  I also think that he is making the right choice to back oil drilling.  The problem is that it just seems that all of his positions are subject to change not shifts - change from black to white at any moment.  (No that wasn't a racial statement).

Obama is 2 of the nicest people I've ever seen

on Aug 05, 2008
change from black to white at any moment.

would it be racist to call him a chameleon? Maybe that's the change he's talking about?
on Aug 05, 2008
I heard the results of an interesting Gallup poll the other day. They asked voters just how important race was in this election, and the results were surprising.

White voters who claimed race was the NUMBER ONE issue in this election? 8 %.

Black voters who claimed race was the NUMBER ONE issue in this election? 30%.

Seems to me there's an awful lot more black racists than vice versa, damn near a third of black voters will vote for this Obamanation of a man regardless of his political stances just because he's black.

On the other hand, only 8% of the white voters polled said they wouldn't vote for him...just because he's black.

Both numbers are shameful, really, but they certainly reveal who is more likely to accept or reject a candidate based on skin color alone. Blacks. By a three to one margin.

on Aug 06, 2008
Racism is alive and well. If it weren't I really don't think we would be having this conversation.

I mean no disrespect to you or your mother. The only people that see race as an issue seems to be the democrats. They also seem to see sex as an issue.

I remember when General Powel was exiting the Army and no one knew to which party he belonged, the democrats said he would make a great black candidate. A good representative of what affirmative action can do. The republicans said he would be a good choice as president of the untied states. Ronald Reagan called him a good Irishman like himself.

Being coloured is just another tick mark for democrats to check off in their efforts to show a diversity they don’t believe in. just like they support women’s causes until after the election. Democrats have promised to fix every problem they bring to our attention. They had 40 years of control of the legislature and did not fix race relations in this country. Until Congressman Ford I had not heard an articulate coloured person in the democrat party. When he ran for speaker of the house he had the votes to win or at least put up a good fight. He was told it was not his turn, they were going to give it to a woman. It was not allowed to be put up for a vote. He had to wait his turn. Not that he was not qualified but a white woman needed to be in charge. He allowed this to become public and was forced out of the party. For some reason he could not give him the same funding others got from the party when running for the senate. A colored man ran for governor of New York, a white person also wanted the job. Though he won the nomination he didn’t get the funds to run his campaign and lost to a republican in a democrat state.

So yes, race will always be an issue with liberal democrats, just like gender and sexual orientation and economic status. All are factors in that party that screams racism, sexism, and gay bashing when dealing with their opponents. I think it was yesterday or today someone wrote a column on Senator Obama and mentioned how thin he was. The democrats jumped on it saying that calling attention to his body is a coded term to call attention to his race.

I won't vote for him either.
on Aug 06, 2008
All are factors in that party that screams racism, sexism, and gay bashing when dealing with their opponents.

Who else thinks what Obama really needs to win this is either a sex change or to come out of the closet?
on Aug 06, 2008
Who else thinks what Obama really needs to win this is either a sex change or to come out of the closet?

What the senator needs to win this is a cogent thought articulated without the use of a teleprompter. The age of meaningless platitudes died with Senator Robert Kennedy.
on Aug 07, 2008
The age of meaningless platitudes died with Senator Robert Kennedy.

That's change we can believe in.
on Aug 07, 2008


What the senator needs to win this is a cogent thought articulated without the use of a teleprompter.

huh, do you think that's why he said no to the townhall style debates with McCain.  It amazes me when everyone talks about how well-spoken he is when he's actually only well-spoken on prewritten speeches. 

That's change we can believe in.


on Sep 01, 2008

Did you pay attention to the first part of the statement "They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced"

on Sep 02, 2008

Did you pay attention to the first part of the statement

Yes, I paid attention the problem is that I am not afraid of him, I am scared spitless. Because of what he has said he would do as president. Just as I was scared spitless when I read what Senator Clinton said she would do as president. Think about it, both said they would help the poor by making everyone poor. They would help the economy by taking money from the rich to give to the poor. They were going to reduce our dependence on foreign oil but offer no substitute. With leaders like that Russia starts to look good.

on Sep 02, 2008

Did you pay attention to the first part of the statement "They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced"

Nice example of "poisoning the well". ;~D

on Sep 05, 2008

Did you pay attention to the first part of the statement "They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced"

Yes, THEY!  oooh, who are THEY?  It seems to me the only one making this an issue is Obama himself.  I haven't heard anyone else say that he doesn't look like the Presidents on the dollar bills - just OBAMA - not THEY! 

on Sep 06, 2008

Yes, THEY! oooh, who are THEY? It seems to me the only one making this an issue is Obama himself. I haven't heard anyone else say that he doesn't look like the Presidents on the dollar bills - just OBAMA - not THEY!


You would have to be a graduate of the Stevie Wonder School of visual observation not to notice the differences. I looked at a dollar bill.


George Washington does to have big ears. Senator Obama does not have false teeth, and I have never seen the Senator wearing a powdered wig.


on Sep 06, 2008

You would have to be a graduate of the Stevie Wonder School of visual observation not to notice the differences. I looked at a dollar bill.

George Washington does to have big ears. Senator Obama does not have false teeth, and I have never seen the Senator wearing a powdered wig.

lol - I really think he should grow a beard and start wearing a stovepipe hat so he can look like a fiver.

on Sep 06, 2008

Yeah, Lincon had big ears!

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