I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on December 29, 2008 By Boudica In Just Hanging Out

It's been a long December and it's easy to believe maybe this year will be better than the last

The end of the year seems like the perfect time to look back and assess how you want to move forward in your life.  So here is my year end wrap up

The good - I got a job!  Outside of my house!  No more home daycare for me.  I made some fabulous friends at my new job and have a bit of a social life now.  It's fun to get out. 

The bad - Major financial struggles this year but the silver lining is that I found out how many friends I have who care and are willing to help.  I appreciate every one of them.  (((ehugs)))  See my e-friends are "real friends" after all.

The ugly - Meh.  I don't know what to add to this one.  I feel ugly because I have been breaking out - AGAIN!  I hate it.  I have started making more of an effort in my skin care so hopefully that will make the difference.  It seems like a sick joke.  Really you shouldnt' have to worry about both zits and wrinkles.  Oh there is a lot that is ugly in my life but I don't want to dwell on it or publicize it. 

So here's to the new year, full of things that have never been.  Feliz Nuevo Ano Joeusers.  Oh there will be a resolution post coming.  

on Dec 29, 2008

My resolution? Only one, that I will not MAKE any New Year's resolutions this year. Why set myself up for failure?
  I know what you're saying but I can't resist the illusion of the clean slate and the fresh start.  The whole "this year it will be different because this time I really mean it".  I think of it as goal setting. 

I'm glad to see this year come to a close as well. (We've both had a rough one, eh?)

Next year will be better. 



on Dec 29, 2008

Breaking out again?  I never stopped!  Half a century of pimples is the pits.  But if that is my only complaint, I am lucky.

I hope the new year brings you a lot of joy and prosperity!

on Dec 30, 2008

I hope the new year brings you a lot of joy and prosperity!

thanks doc

So you say...
Heh, I guess my optimism fountain has run dry.
  You know what George Michael says ... you got to have faith


on Dec 30, 2008

Good to see you posting.  I hope your expectations for the new year are exceeded greatly.  As for the rest, it's just livin'...beats the alternative.

on Dec 31, 2008

I never have been good with resolutions. I usually start thinking of them around December 30th and usually break them around January 3rd.

on Jan 01, 2009

Sometimes I wonder.

From the glimpses I have had at the other side, I prefer to keep breathing.  I will find out soon enough who was foolish and who was wise.  I am just a chicken, Whippy, and content to put up with the pain of living...like the t-shirt says, "It isn't that life is so short...it's that death lasts so long".

on Jan 04, 2009

I'm pleased to hear you have made some new friends and are enjoying yourself.  Here is hoping 2009 only improves on this for you.