I have been reborn and I am now a strong warrior woman. These are my stories.
Published on August 5, 2008 By Boudica In Marriage

Warning a bit of a whiny whiner post.  My best friend's hubby offered to change my sparkplugs since  my check engine light is on and I can't pass inspection but also can't affort to take it ino the shop.  We had the diagnostic run which showed that the catalytic converters were to blame but we start with the small and inexpensive - spark plugs.  I really do appreciate him helping me out and today I am going to bake him a zuchini bread to thank him.   Zuchini bread with cream cheese frosting, that is the best part.  But I won't be feeding it to him. 

So  my jealousy of happy couples was kicked into high gear when my friend made her a hubby a sandwich and he couldn't eat it because his hands were dirty...so she fed it to him.  Awww...love...sighs...I want someone to feed sandwiches to.  He's out there right? my good-hearted man who will be honest, loyal, faithful, loving, caring and kind.  I hope so.  He was her number two husband so if she could find a good one the second time around maybe I'm no different.  It could happen.  My main problem is getting over number one.  I still want him to be struck by lightening and change his ways just like Seargant York. 

on Aug 05, 2008

You will find the most perfect man for you. Take time for your self first and heal. The perfect man could me #1 or someone new, but love yourself really really good right now.

on Aug 05, 2008

That is the perfect man could be...not me..sorry it wouldn't let me edit.

on Aug 05, 2008

but love yourself really really good right now.
  i'm trying

on Aug 13, 2008

You're a wonderful, caring woman who will find the right man for you, of that I have no doubt.  There are still good men and women out there.  It took me many years but I found the right 'one' and now we're coming up on our sixth wedding anniversary.  It still feels so fresh, though. 

on Aug 13, 2008
You're a wonderful, caring woman who will find the right man for you, of that I have no doubt. There are still good men and women out there. It took me many years but I found the right 'one' and now we're coming up on our sixth wedding anniversary. It still feels so fresh, though.

Thanks. It gives me hope.